Leo Drive Chooses Dutch High-Tech Ecosystem for First European Expansion

The Turkish company lands at Helmond Automotive Campus in the Netherlands to accelerate autonomous automotive technology solutions for the European market

White and blue Leo Drive test vehicle in the Netherlands

Turkiyë-based Leo Drive, a specialist in autonomous mobility technologies, has chosen the Netherlands for its first expansion into the European market. In February 2024, the company announced it is landing at the Helmond Automotive Campus in the Brabant region of the Netherlands. The strategic move brings Leo Drive to the heart of innovation and collaboration in the Dutch high-tech and automotive ecosystem, marking a major leap forward in its mission to innovate and lead in the industry.

“The Netherlands boasts a stellar reputation for technological innovation and sustainability, making it the ideal setting for our adaptable autonomous technologies. Leo Drive’s expansion to the Netherlands is a strategic decision that is not just about geographic expansion; it’s a testament to our commitment to being at the cutting-edge of the autonomous technology sector,” the company stated. “The Netherlands’ conducive environment for tech companies, combined with its open and collaborative ecosystem, aligns perfectly with our goals, ensuring that we continue to pioneer and set standards in autonomy.”

The heart of high-tech innovation in Europe

Leo Drive is dedicated to developing and implementing advanced autonomous technologies to transform the future of mobility. The company will leverage its new Dutch location to facilitate the adoption of autonomous technology in Europe’s automotive industry through its innovative, cost-effective and open-source-friendly approaches.

The Netherlands is the perfect hub for Leo Drive to achieve its ambitions. With a strong focus on automation, the Dutch high-tech ecosystem provides a solid foundation for the company’s autonomous technology projects. In addition, the Netherlands’ strategic location offers Leo Drive unmatched access to key markets, while the country’s efficient transport infrastructure can further propel the development of mobility technologies.

Leo Drive will play an active role in the Dutch ecosystem by deploying advanced autonomous technologies and working with the country’s high-tech talent. The company’s dedication to sustainability, incorporating progressive practices throughout its operations, also aligns with the Netherlands’ environmental vision.

Collaborating with partners in the Dutch automotive ecosystem

The collaborative environment of the Netherlands’ mobility sector is also crucial for Leo Drive. Situated in Helmond Automotive Campus, Leo Drive plans to partner with local companies, startups and Dutch research institutions to co-develop groundbreaking mobility solutions.

As Europe’s fastest-evolving tech and industrial hub, the Brabant region provides a perfect environment for Leo Drive to pursue this type of collaborative innovation. By fostering strong, mutually beneficial relationships with fellow stakeholders, Leo Drive will further enhance the Netherlands’ culture of open innovation and co-creation. Together, Leo Drive and its partners will accelerate the development of solutions to societal challenges and contribute to the region’s ongoing success.

Leo Drive goes Dutch with support from the Invest in Holland Network

The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) and its Invest in Holland partner, Brabant Development Agency (BOM) served as crucial partners for Leo Drive’s expansion into the Netherlands. The agencies offered key support and guidance for navigating the Dutch business landscape and building connections with important regional players. NFIA and BOM helped Leo Drive to integrate seamlessly into Helmond Automotive Campus and the wider Dutch high-tech ecosystem. By introducing the company to the Netherlands’ collaborative spirit and extensive network, the two agencies played a critical role in initiating Leo Drive’s innovation efforts in Europe. Going forward, Leo Drive is confident that continued support from the Invest in Holland Network will be vital to achieving its strategic goals in the European market.

Source: Leo Drive

20 August 2024

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