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The Invest in Holland energy team will be at Enlit Europe in Paris to promote opportunities for smart energy innovators in the Netherlands. The Enlit conference brings together thought leaders, innovators and disruptors in the energy sector and beyond. Exhibitors represent power generators, IPPs, utilities, grid operators, energy companies, retailers, energy markets, energy traders and exchanges, plus commercial and industrial energy users.
From energy source to generation; from grid to consumer, the boundaries of the sector are blurring and this evolution is being shaped by established players, external disruptors, innovative start-ups and an increasingly engaged end-user.
Why should you launch your smart grid solution in the Netherlands?
The transition towards clean energy in the Netherlands is picking up serious speed. In particular, electrification of fossil-powered applications is growing fast. But combined with the shift towards volatile renewable energy resources, the surging demand for electricity has created capacity bottlenecks. As a result, increasing efforts are directed towards the systems that balance supply and demand across the grid.
This creates great opportunities for local and international companies to team up with the renowned testing, validation and certification institutes in the Netherlands to develop their smart grid solutions.
Are you interested in further developing and scaling up your smart energy business in Europe? Let’s start the discussion about expanding in the Netherlands.
Meet the Invest in Holland delegation at Enlit Europe, Booth 7.2D30 or contact us at our NFIA France office or [email protected].