
Digital Gateway to Europe and the World

For companies that expand in the Netherlands, the Dutch digital infrastructure paves the way to opportunity, collaboration and success. With the help of its state-of-the-art 98% fast broadband coverage and 99% 4G coverage, companies are connected wherever they set up in the Netherlands.

Global digital frontrunner willing to adapt

The Netherlands is a digital frontrunner with the adoption rate of single technologies above the EU and US average for platforms, Internet of Things and big data. The Netherlands rated first for digital intensity by the European Investment Bank, with the services and infrastructure sectors very willing to adapt to new technologies.

On top of that, the IMD’s 2023 World Digital Competitiveness Ranking, scored Netherlands third in the world for IT integration, third for its future readiness index and sixth for its digital competitiveness. In 2017, PWC ranked the Netherlands first in the EU for outstanding use of ICT. Time and again the Dutch digital adaptation  proves to be amongst the best in show.

Top connectivity through digital infrastructure accelerates data-driven business

As one of the world’s most connected counties according to DHL’s Global Connectedness Index, the Netherlands leads for its digital infrastructure. 194 data centers support computing needs – with Amsterdam as the number one European hub. Together with excellent mobile and landline connections, one of the world’s largest internet exchanges the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX), and the NL-IX, provide companies in the Netherlands with an excellent data transfer infrastructure. Expansive and reliable coverage and support give the Netherlands one of the lowest latency rates in the EU and in the world.

"Not only is it the gateway to Europe, but thanks to the country’s excellent technical infrastructure and the fact that the AMS-IX Internet hub is located here, it’s also becoming the IT Delta of Europe." Edwin Prinsen Managing Director, Cisco Netherlands

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